This can only be a short post because i need to pop out for some Weetos (cereal) haha. I don't really no how that makes any difference to me not coming back on the computer ? but anyhow. Wednesday half way through the school week im very happy about that and Mrs marple is on tonight :) call me a geek i don't care because i love it haha. I now have a new header if you have noticed ,i think i might keep it /:s what do you think?

pictures above are from weheartit :)

my current obsessions, but crappy picture taken with webcam :/

I think this one is much better a list for if you can't see them.
2.ghost world (graphic novel)
3.DianaF+ lomography book
4.The XX CD
5.Catcher in the Rye
6. pink,gold,silver and red pots of glitter
7.The Kinks CD
8.Fade and Sparkle gold nail varnish
Oh and my dad brought this top from American apparel, i think i might just steal it :)